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Open Event Proceedings
Annual DE Symposium
Advanced High-Power Lasers
Beam Control Conference
DE Systems Symposium
DE T&E Conference
SSDLTR Technical Digest
Other Publications
Books on Directed Energy
Journal of Directed Energy
Limited Distribution Publications
Proceedings from the Beam Control Conference are CDs of the unclassified, public release
presentations materials. In 2012 and alternating years thereafter, the Beam Control Conference
is co-located with the AHPL and shares proceedings.
Some Beam Control Conferences also offer Limited Distribution and classified presentations. Check our
Limited Distribution Proceedings page for availability.
Tables of Contents, when available, are offered
below as links on the conference name. You may also use our Search tool to search by title,
author, or topic. Note: Entries shown with a "new" icon may not yet have been indexed by Google and thus,
may not show up in the search results.
Third Annual Advanced High-Power Lasers Meeting, Broomfield, CO, 2012
Material from 49 unclassified oral presentations and 4 unclassified technical papers from the joint AHPL sessions,
as well as the SSDLTR, Beam Control Conference, Free Electron Laser Conference, Gas Laser Conference, and Ultrashort
Pulse Laser Workshop.
$49.50 |
2011 Beam Control Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL, 2011
Conference Proceedings include materials from 8 unclassified, oral presentations.
$49.50 |