The Advanced High-Power Lasers meeting consisted of co-located technical sessions organized by four separate conferences, with joint technical and plenary sessions to encourage discussion outside narrow technical limits. This year's meeting was co-located with the 2012 Beam Control Conference.
Registrants meeting the attendance criteria were able to attend any session of any conference for just one registration fee. Program Highlights
The agenda distributed on site is available here. Changes to the program did occur. Webcasting offered for the first time.
The Laser-Beam Control Interface or The Development of an Optically Efficient HEL Weapon System A Joint Session was held at the 2012 AHPL and Beam Control Conference which addressed issues related to integrating an HEL weapon's optical train from the resonator to the exit aperture with a goal of maximizing far field irradiance. The DE community has a tradition of separately developing lasers and beam control systems then attempting forced marriages. The results have frequently led to complications and inefficiency. By bridging this specification (and frequently contractor) interface with a mix of invited and solicited papers, the session's goal was to provide laser and beam control specialists with a bit of history, some lessons learned during prior systems integrations, and a few ideas to benefit future system integration plans. Proceedings The AHPL meeting published combined proceedings, including both presentation materials and formal papers. Proceedings were produced at both the public release and limited distribution levels and provided to conference attendees free of charge. In addition, the SSDLTR produced their popular SSDLTR Technical Digest containing the extended technical summaries of the presentations given at the SSDLTR. The SDLTR Technical Digest, as well as the AHPL Proceedings can be purchased through our Online Store. Tours of the Sources and Detectors Group laboratory facilities at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder were offered to AHPL registrants. This group, a part of the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory, conducts activities in fiber sources and applications, laser radiometry, and high speed measurements.