UNCLASSIFIED, PUBLIC RELEASE The Evolution of CTS and VICTS Phased Array Antennas for HPM Applications Both the CTS and VICTS arrays are passive, linear, reciprocal, all-metal antennas based on open parallel-plate transmission line structure paired with “continuous” low-Q radiators and leading to unusually wide operating bandwidths (> 40%,) wide scan volumes (> +/- 80 degrees) and low dissipative losses (< 0.5 dB.) In addition, when paired with a suitable high peak power RF source, high-fidelity simulations indicate that both CTS and VICTS antennas can reliably support Terawatt-Class EIRP Figures-of-Merit. Though highly mature and widely deployed for communication and radar applications, the technology is relatively new to the HPM community. As such, this paper will briefly review the basic theory-of-operation of CTS and VICTS arrays, punctuated with specific fielded high-TRL communication and radar product examples. Based then on this foundation and background, this paper will further describe the latest HPM-specific applications currently under consideration including current and planned near-term developments and testing activities.