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Abstract: 24-Systems-188


Exploring High Power Microwave and Ultra Short Pulse Laser as Electronic Warfare Capabilities to Counter Red Missile Kill Chains

High power microwave (HPM) and ultra short pulse laser (USPL) systems are continuing to advance to provide improved capabilities across electronic warfare (EW) operations within friendly and adversary nations. As these technologies evolve, defense strategies must adapt to new adversary threats and capabilities. Threats of particular interest are adversary missile attacks that range from simple missiles to highly intelligent and innovative missiles. China and Russia have already demonstrated effective missile capabilities and claim to be on the cusp of fielding hypersonic missiles and have publicized rapid advancement of laser technology to support operations. This project is assessing current and future types of adversary missiles and developing a kill chain taxonomy to highlight potential vulnerabilities within adversary missile systems of systems. As the right-of-launch capabilities expand to an overwhelming capacity, the defensive focus should be placed on left-of-launch mitigation strategies. It is recommended to pursue methods such as jamming launch signals and incapacitating support operations by gathering intelligence, sending misinformation, or disabling communications to thwart weapons launch. Future missile technology is also evaluated, and potential vignettes are provided to predict how adversaries may use evolving EW threats in adaptive ways to identify feasible concepts for deeper analysis. Future concepts include space-based missile operations utilizing directed energy technology and artificial intelligence-controlled missiles.


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