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Abstract: 24-Systems-094


NPS Perspective – Applying System Analysis and Mission Engineering to Directed Energy Battle Management

A revolution in warfare is upon us, as directed energy (DE) weapons are being introduced into military operations. Effective battle management strategies, concepts, and system solutions are critically needed to plan, manage, coordinate, and control DE weapons for this new warfare paradigm. DE weapons differ from traditional kinetic weapons with their non-kinetic lethality effects on targets, their engagement timing of speed-of-light laser beams and required dwell times, and their susceptibility to atmospheric effects. As DE weapons become operational, new forms of complexity are introduced such as the need for deconfliction, the potential for new forms of fratricide, and novel enemy counter-DE systems and tactics. Effective battle management is needed to maximize the use of DE weapons, coordinate DE engagements alongside kinetic weapons, address the inherent DE challenges (atmospheric effects, non-kinetic lethality, etc.), and adapt to changes as this novel warfare paradigm evolves. This presentation discusses an analytical framework for studying DE weapon battle management strategies, concepts, and solutions. The central solution concept is a cognitive system approach relying on an adaptive architecture of decision aids that leverage artificial intelligence methods. The framework is applied to two operational settings: the maritime domain for ship and fleet defense, and an expeditionary domain for forward operating base defense. The study is employing systems analysis and modeling and simulation to explore engagement coordination strategies involving different combinations of kinetic and non-kinetic weapons and effectors against a variety of threats. This presentation discusses study results to date and provides insights into the potential performance enhancements and complexity of future DE weapons battle management.


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