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Abstract: 24-Systems-066


Extended Interaction Oscillators for Nonlethal Weapons Applications

We are exploring the capabilities of an extended interaction oscillator (EIO) at W band to satisfy requirements for a next-generation Active Denial System (ADS). The work is based on technology developed at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for a 7.5-kW extended interaction klystron (EIK) vacuum electronic amplifier driven by a 20 kV, 3.5 A sheet electron beam [1]. Key efforts focus on the optimization of the EIO cavity parameters, efficiency enhancement through the use of a depressed collector, scaling of output power with electron voltage and current, and determination of operating power limits for quasi-cw operation at 94 GHz. Methods to increase total output power via multiple output ports on a single device or by combining the power from multiple devices are also being explored.

1. K. T. Nguyen, J. A. Pasour, T. M. Antonsen, P. B. Larsen, J. J. Petillo, and B. Levush, “Intense sheet electron beam transport in a uniform solenoidal magnetic field,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 744–752, May 2009.
2. J.A. Pasour, E. Wright, K.T. Nguyen, A. Balkum, F. Wood, R. Myers, and B . Levush, “Demonstration of a Multi-kW, Solenoidally Focused Sheet Beam Amplifier at 94 GHz,” IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 61, pp. 1630-1636, 2014.


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