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Abstract: 24-Systems-022


Direct Cavity Combiner for High Power Solid State RF Transmitter

Diversified Technologies, Inc. (DTI) is building a novel, patented, Direct Cavity Combiner (DCC) VHF Transmitter in a single high power, compact, and efficient amplifier under a Department of Energy Small Business Innovative Research (DOE SBIR) grant for use as a high power solid state RF transmitter. This transmitter is built from multiple RF amplifier modules feeding a single RF cavity, with high efficiency, low combining losses, and output power directly proportional to the number of RF modules feeding the cavity. DTI is currently developing the low-cost, steady state, solid state VHF transmitter for RF/ Directed Energy (DE) applications. This technology is an alternative to conventional megawatt-class Vacuum Electron Device (VED) RF sources, and overcomes the limited frequency range, reliability, and supply chain issues associated with tetrodes and similar VEDs. Because it eliminates the power combining losses typical of conventional solid state amplifiers, it enables high power outputs at high efficiency. The basic transmitter technology can be readily tailored over a wide range of frequencies, which makes it applicable in several technologies, including high power microwaves, high energy physics, fusion, radar, and broadcasting. DTI has also demonstrated the viability of the Direct Cavity Combiner (DCC) concept at L-band and UHF.
The DCC cavity and RF power modules are currently undergoing testing and evaluation, and results from a partially populated combiner match our simulations. We are designing the DCC for 1.5 MW. The current program has demonstrated 43 kW with 32 modules with a module power density of >460 kW/m2 and a power-added-efficiency (PAE) of greater than 68% with a proportional fraction of the modules intended for the full-scale transmitter. Under the next phase of the project, DTI anticipates demonstration of the unit to 500 kW, limited only by funding. . In this presentation, DTI will report on the design and test results of the VHF RF cavity and modules.


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