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Abstract Listing for 2024 DE Systems Symposium


Abstracts are listed below according to the order they were submitted. Note that this listing only includes abstracts submitted to-date via our online system. Additional entries are likely; check back often.

Abstract titles, when shown, will link to the abstract content once the appropriate release forms are received.

24-Systems-001: DIA MASINT Capability
24-Systems-002: Title not released by author
24-Systems-003: High Powered Phased Array Fed Reflectarray
24-Systems-004: Implementation of High Powered Microwave Swarm Engagement Model to Quantify System Performance
24-Systems-005: Title not released by author
24-Systems-006: HEL Employment Climatology Study
24-Systems-007: Maintaining LWS in Real Battlefield Conditions
24-Systems-008: Title not released by author
24-Systems-009: Title not released by author
24-Systems-010: Leonidas, Electronically Steered Array for High Powered Microwave Systems
24-Systems-011: DEWS SOSA Reference Architecture Integration Update 2024
24-Systems-012: Title not released by author
24-Systems-013: Hot Operating Temperature (HOT) Diodes in Low SWaP Packages for Directed Energy Amplifiers
24-Systems-014: USASMDC Directed Energy Systems Integration Lab Laser Weapon System Failure and Mitigations
24-Systems-015: Next Generation Active Denial Technology Prototype Update
24-Systems-016: Love at First Light: Successful Integration of Four Raytheon DE M-SHORAD Laser Weapons in CENTCOM
24-Systems-018: HELCAP - Laser Weapon Testbed (LWT) prepares for the test range
24-Systems-019: High Power Microwave and Electronic Warfare Synergisms II
24-Systems-021: Title not released by author
24-Systems-022: Direct Cavity Combiner for High Power Solid State RF Transmitter
24-Systems-023: PEO STRI High Power Radio Frequency Sensor Projects Into the Future
24-Systems-024: (U) JIFCO Non-Lethal Laser Induced Plasma Effects Roadmap and Portfolio
24-Systems-025: Source Agnostic Frequency Excluding Antenna System
24-Systems-026: HEL Effects and Lethality against Counter Cruise Missile Materials
24-Systems-027: Deep Space Inverse Synthetic Aperture Ladar (ISAL)
24-Systems-028: Title not released by author
24-Systems-029: Title not released by author
24-Systems-030: Novel PCSS/VCSEL-Based Solid State High-Power Microwave System
24-Systems-031: Coastal and Maritime Use of Airborne High Power Microwave
24-Systems-032: Title not released by author
24-Systems-033: Surrogate Warhead Plate Target Testing
24-Systems-034: Vessel Incapacitating Power Effects Radiation
24-Systems-035: Title not released by author
24-Systems-036: Title not released by author
24-Systems-037: The new 40MW Super Magnetron
24-Systems-038: A 40MW RF DEW concept
24-Systems-039: Title not released by author
24-Systems-040: Title not released by author
24-Systems-041: Radio Frequency Pre-Emplaced Vehicle Stopper (RF-PEVS) High Speed Experimental Results
24-Systems-042: Developing Adaptive and Robust High Power Microwave Sources for Military Applications
24-Systems-043: AFRL Combined HPM/EW Project Update
24-Systems-044: AFRL Charged Particle Beam Systems and Applications
24-Systems-045: Title not released by author
24-Systems-046: Title not released by author
24-Systems-047: Title not released by author
24-Systems-048: PWEX 2.0 Overview and Initial Results
24-Systems-049: Airborne High Energy Laser Military Utility Within a Layered Area Defense CONOP
24-Systems-050: Novel PCSS/VCSEL-Based Solid State High-Power Microwave System
24-Systems-051: Title not released by author
24-Systems-052: Title not released by author
24-Systems-053: DANTE Pulsed Power Design and Experimental Results
24-Systems-054: Lockheed Martin HELSI 2
24-Systems-055: Development of a Model of a High Power Microwave (HPM) Source on Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
24-Systems-056: Title not released by author
24-Systems-057: Coherent Beam Combining of Supercontinuum Lasers
24-Systems-058: Highly Reliable Solid-State Modulator for High Power Microwave Base Defense Systems
24-Systems-059: A Propagation and Effects Engineering Model for Rapid Concept Exploration of Pulsed Laser Systems
24-Systems-060: A Compact, High Efficiency Kilowatt Class TWT for Directed Energy
24-Systems-061: Transitioning Relativistic Magnetron Manufacturing from a Lab Environment to Industry: Successful Delivery of Two Magnetrons to AFRL
24-Systems-062: HITECH Beam Director Aircraft Integration Design Evaluations
24-Systems-063: ADAPTS System Performance Diagnostics and Turbulence Profiling
24-Systems-064: Update on development of Compact NLTL Based HPM Prototype for NAWCWD
24-Systems-065: Hammerhead™ Beam Director Assembly Prototype Build Experience
24-Systems-066: Extended Interaction Oscillators for Nonlethal Weapons Applications
24-Systems-067: U.S. Army DEVCOM Analysis Center Assessments of Lethality Effects to EO/IR Sensors from Ultrashort Pulse Lasers and Supercontinuum Lasers
24-Systems-068: HPMED/HONEYBADGER an update of an in process HPM System
24-Systems-069: Lessons Learned from Directed Energy Prototyping
24-Systems-070: Title not released by author
24-Systems-071: Quantum Networking at the Starfire Optical Range
24-Systems-072: Title not released by author
24-Systems-073: PLACE HOLDER
24-Systems-074: Title not released by author
24-Systems-075: Investigating Phase Retrieval for Atmospheric Wavefront Sensing with Tiled Arrays
24-Systems-076: Pre-Deployment M&S of HPM Systems for Defensive Applications
24-Systems-077: Manufacturing Readiness Assessment: N00b to Pro!
24-Systems-078: (U) Underwater Laser-Induced Plasma for Intermediate Force Acoustic and Optical Applications
24-Systems-079: Using Hardware In the Loop (HWIL) as a “Range in a Box” to Assess High Energy Laser (HEL) Missile Defense Capabilities Prior to Range Testing
24-Systems-080: Comparison of rough-surface scattering models for wave-optics simulations
24-Systems-081: PWEX 2 Pre-Test Analysis – HELLETS Engagement of a BQM-74E Target Drone
24-Systems-082: AFRL HPM Effects Capabilities Tables
24-Systems-083: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Waveform Agile Radio frequency Directed ENergy (WARDEN) Task 3 Review
24-Systems-084: Title not released by author
24-Systems-085: CDEW Technology Advancements for Air and Space
24-Systems-086: Title not released by author
24-Systems-087: Title not released by author
24-Systems-088: DAC WSMR Laser Range Capabilities and Recent Testing Efforts
24-Systems-089: VIPER Laser Material Effects
24-Systems-090: Advancements in the Manufacture of DE Gain Fiber and Combiners
24-Systems-091: Evaluating HEL Eye Hazard Susceptibility from Atmospheric Forward Scattering
24-Systems-092: Title not released by author
24-Systems-093: Direct Inject Damage Results from Unique Waveforms
24-Systems-094: NPS Perspective – Applying System Analysis and Mission Engineering to Directed Energy Battle Management
24-Systems-095: Process Development for HEL Survivability Assessment
24-Systems-096: Supersonic Threat Cruise Missile HEL Lethality Assessment
24-Systems-097: The DARPA WARDEN Program: Using agile waveforms to increase HPM system effectiveness
24-Systems-098: Future Naval Power Systems Considerations for Directed Energy Weapons
24-Systems-099: Laser Weapon Effectiveness in a Real-World Scenario
24-Systems-100: Title not released by author
24-Systems-101: Ground-to-GEO LiDAR: Analysis, design, and testing
24-Systems-102: Title not released by author
24-Systems-103: LRU Trends for High Energy Laser Systems
24-Systems-104: Title not released by author
24-Systems-105: Development of Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Systems
24-Systems-106: place holder
24-Systems-107: Elements of Transition
24-Systems-108: An ultra-long path multi-pass cell for real-time measurement of aerosol functional groups in the mid-infrared with applications to DEW propagation modelling
24-Systems-109: High-Precision State Estimation on a VLEO Satellite from Single Pass Ground-Based Optical Observations
24-Systems-110: Title not released by author
24-Systems-111: Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Fiber Applications in Vacuum Electronics
24-Systems-112: Satellite Safety During Laser Firings - DoD Policy, Procedures, and the Laser Clearinghouse
24-Systems-113: Modeling of Base Defense by a Distributed, Synchronized HPM System
24-Systems-114: Title not released by author
24-Systems-115: A Perspective from Sailors Maintaining & Operating Shipboard Directed Energy Weapons
24-Systems-116: Title not released by author
24-Systems-117: Addressing the Field of Uncertainty: Predicting the Most Effective Agile Waveform for RF Attack
24-Systems-118: Initial Tests in the BAM ½ km Enclosed Laser Range
24-Systems-119: Title not released by author
24-Systems-120: Recoverable, Reusable Airborne Engagement (RRAE) Phase II
24-Systems-121: Advances in High Power RF Solid-State Power Amplifier Architectures Enabled by a Combination of Two Innovative Technologies, High Voltage RF GaN/SiC and High-Power E- Plane Power Combiners
24-Systems-122: Title not released by author
24-Systems-123: UWB-HPM Simulators for Advanced Threat Assessment: An Update
24-Systems-124: Title not released by author
24-Systems-125: Resonance Discovery Waveforms for Reduction in Target Susceptibility
24-Systems-126: Time Reversal Techniques for Distributed HPM
24-Systems-127: Requirements and Analysis of Physically Distributed Sources
24-Systems-128: Title not released by author
24-Systems-129: Title not released by author
24-Systems-130: Title not released by author
24-Systems-131: Title not released by author
24-Systems-132: High-power, narrow-linewidth, reverse-pumped, Yb-doped fiber amplifier using novel 7+1:1 pump-signal combiner
24-Systems-133: Frequency Analysis of Shockwaves using Optical Metrology and CFD at AFRL/Laser Division
24-Systems-134: Design and experimental test of a tapered nonlinear transmission line RF source
24-Systems-135: What the MRL is This?"
24-Systems-136: Probabilistic Risk Assessment Updates & Activities
24-Systems-137: Broadband Counter-Electronics Weapon (BCEW) for Long-Range Non-Lethal Vehicle/Vessel Stopping Capabilities
24-Systems-138: Title not released by author
24-Systems-139: Microstructure Breakdowns in HPM Related Targets
24-Systems-140: Steel Plate Standard for Laser Weapon Systems
24-Systems-141: CDEW Solutions for Platforms and Facilities
24-Systems-142: Title not released by author
24-Systems-143: Mjolnir HPEM cUAS Update
24-Systems-144: Title not released by author
24-Systems-145: Title not released by author
24-Systems-146: MOSA HEL System Implementation and System Design
24-Systems-147: Title not released by author
24-Systems-148: Target Vulnerability Process for The Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness (JTCG/ME)
24-Systems-149: Title not released by author
24-Systems-150: Integration of the Dual X-Band system
24-Systems-151: nLIGHT DEFENSE LWS Technology Update
24-Systems-152: Title not released by author
24-Systems-153: nLIGHT DEFENSE CBC HEL Systems Update
24-Systems-154: Title not released by author
24-Systems-155: Title not released by author
24-Systems-156: Experimentation and modeling platform for improving the performance of DEW optics and thin-film coatings.
24-Systems-157: Title not released by author
24-Systems-158: Testing of hardened optical components for CLDEW
24-Systems-159: Design and Effects of Compact 300-kV Marx Generator Spark Gap Effectors
24-Systems-160: Applying ManTech Grind & Polish MRL Improvement across all DE optics manufacturing
24-Systems-161: Title not released by author
24-Systems-162: Investigating HPM Lethality Against Hypersonic Threats
24-Systems-163: Maritime Directed Energy System Integration Laboratory - Capability Update
24-Systems-164: Modeling of Pulse Laser Effects
24-Systems-165: Title not released by author
24-Systems-166: An Analysis of Active Denial Technology and the Dynamical Effects on Crowd Behavior
24-Systems-167: Title not released by author
24-Systems-168: Overview of the UK DragonFire Programme
24-Systems-169: Title not released by author
24-Systems-170: Title not released by author
24-Systems-171: Title not released by author
24-Systems-172: Title not released by author
24-Systems-173: Title not released by author
24-Systems-174: Title not released by author
24-Systems-175: A radio-frequency radiation application to calculate the safe distance from multiple mixed frequency sources based on the requirements of various standards and guidelines
24-Systems-176: Laser Lethality Database
24-Systems-177: HPM Microwave Effects Database
24-Systems-178: Directed Energy Effects Databases
24-Systems-179: Title not released by author
24-Systems-180: TIL Laser Source Development at 1.2 and 1.5 µm
24-Systems-181: Closed Loop Testing for HPM Applications
24-Systems-182: Title not released by author
24-Systems-183: Process for Testing CW Laser Damage Threshold in the Presence of FOD (Foreign Object Debris)
24-Systems-184: Title not released by author
24-Systems-185: RNA Sequencing and MicroRNA Analysis of Blood and Brain Tissue from Sprague Dawley Rats Exposed to Pulsed 2.8 GHz Radiofrequency Radiation
24-Systems-186: Digital Engineering - Proposed Short Course
24-Systems-187: Title not released by author
24-Systems-188: Exploring High Power Microwave and Ultra Short Pulse Laser as Electronic Warfare Capabilities to Counter Red Missile Kill Chains
24-Systems-189: Range Dependent Lethality Analysis for Non-Kinetic Effectors
24-Systems-190: Pulsed Laser Hypersonic Lethality Pathways and Investigations
24-Systems-191: Laser Ablation Rate Dispersion Analysis for Scaled Lethality Assessments (placeholder)
24-Systems-192: Predictive Neural Network Feed-Forward Loop for Internal Laser Performance Optimization (placeholder)
24-Systems-193: Title not released by author
24-Systems-194: Payload development and integration with BQM-34
24-Systems-195: Computational Bioeffect Models in Support of 5G and MMW Technologies
24-Systems-196: Semiconductor Opening Switches: Semiconductors, Circuits, and Performance
24-Systems-197: Title not released by author
24-Systems-199: Reshaping the narrative of ultracompact HPM weapons delivering air-emplaced effects for the C-sUAS/ISR/IoT/SWARM missions through live-fire testing T&E and the strategic path born anew.
24-Systems-200: HEL Hardening through Diffusely Reflective Coatings
24-Systems-201: Title not released by author
24-Systems-202: Arbitrary Time Propagation Model
24-Systems-203: Rapid Prediction and Modeling of DE Effectiveness over Realistic Turbulence
24-Systems-204: Short Pulse Direct Injection Testing of Receiver Components
24-Systems-205: Measurement of RF Properties of Textiles for Counter-HPM Applications
24-Systems-206: Title not released by author
24-Systems-207: Auto-tune Filters for Mitigation of HPM Effects
24-Systems-208: DE Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) at Lockheed Martin
24-Systems-209: Title not released by author
24-Systems-210: DEWS with Integrated Environmental Situation Awareness and Decision Aid
24-Systems-211: Title not released by author
24-Systems-212: Title not released by author
24-Systems-213: AFRL Technology Advancements for Sensor Protection
24-Systems-214: Title not released by author
24-Systems-215: Title not released by author
24-Systems-216: Title not released by author
24-Systems-217: Update on the NPS Directed Energy Engagement Model
24-Systems-218: Title not released by author
24-Systems-219: Title not released by author
24-Systems-220: Using ELISE for DE System Modeling
24-Systems-221: Recommendations for Pulsed Laser-Target Interaction Phenomenology Experiments
24-Systems-222: High Power Microwave Effects and Source Testing Capability and Infrastructure at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AFB
24-Systems-223: Title not released by author
24-Systems-224: Title not released by author
24-Systems-225: Elimination of pathogens using optimized high-power electromagnetic waveforms
24-Systems-226: Title not released by author
24-Systems-227: Title not released by author
24-Systems-228: Quantifying the Performance of E-field Sensors in Measuring Pulsed Waveforms inside Dispersive Media
24-Systems-229: Title not released by author
24-Systems-230: Updated HELEEOS Model Comparison to PWEX HELLETS Diagnostics
24-Systems-231: Detailed Performance Comparison of CBC and SBC Laser Weapon Systems
24-Systems-232: Title not released by author
24-Systems-233: Title not released by author
24-Systems-234: WIP Atmospheric Support for PWEX and PC-CAPE Trials
24-Systems-235: Scalable Beam Director Low Power Testing
24-Systems-236: Title not released by author
24-Systems-237: Innovative Magnetic Material Solutions for Navy High-Frequency Power Systems
24-Systems-238: Pushing Beyond GaN Amplifier Limits through Compact Jet-Impingement Based Cooling System
24-Systems-239: Prediction of Electromagnetic Coupling to Complex Targets Using a Hybrid Computational/Experimental Equivalent Circuit Co-Characterization Methodology
24-Systems-240: A reference setup for replicability in high-power electromagnetic effects
24-Systems-241: Compact HPM source design with solid-state power amplifiers and time reversal pulse compression cavities
24-Systems-242: De-Embedding Techniques for Dupont Terminated Coaxial Probes
24-Systems-243: Title not released by author
24-Systems-244: Challenges to DE Operational Integration: DOTMLPF-P Implications and Lessons Learned
24-Systems-245: Future Lethality and Force Mix of Directed Energy Weapons
24-Systems-246: Title not released by author
24-Systems-247: Title not released by author
24-Systems-248: Ultralight optics and photonics systems for controlling high energy laser beams
24-Systems-249: The Evolution of CTS and VICTS Phased Array Antennas for HPM Applications
24-Systems-250: Designing Time-Reversal Pulse Compression Cavities for Compact and Conformal Applications
24-Systems-251: Energy Storage System Design and Development for Directed Energy Weapons
24-Systems-252: Efforts to improve Fast-Steering-Mirror performance for HEL applications
24-Systems-253: Title not released by author
24-Systems-254: Title not released by author
24-Systems-255: The Cost of SWaP-optimized Airborne Laser Weapon Systems: AFRL’s cost tool
24-Systems-256: The Cost of SWaP-optimized Airborne Laser Weapon Systems: Analysis
24-Systems-257: Digital transformation of airborne laser weapon system concept development
24-Systems-258: Title not released by author
24-Systems-259: Title not released by author
24-Systems-260: Nonlinear Conversion Efficiency Improvement Using Recursive Pulse Shaping Algorithms in a Novel Fiber Laser Pump Design
24-Systems-261: Land LDEW demonstrator programme for UK MOD
24-Systems-262: Title not released by author
24-Systems-263: Built To Blast: Technology, Tactics, And Operational Concepts Informing High Energy Laser Integration into USMC GBAD Formations
24-Systems-264: BlueHalo LOCUST System Transitioned to a TRL-9 system
24-Systems-265: Modularity Investigation for Optimal HPM Antenna to Fire Control Interface
24-Systems-266: Title not released by author
24-Systems-267: Title not released by author


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Last updated: 12 September 2024