DE Test & Evaluation Joint Conference
3-6 February 2025 Albuquerque, New Mexico



Conference Contacts

Call for Papers


Call for Papers

ITEA and DEPS combined two long running events and focused on the joint theme of how Test and Evaluation can support the emerging DoD trend to focus significant energy on prototyping and experimentation.

A recent Department of Defense Report to Congress noted the need to “increasingly leverage prototyping, experimentation and other developmental activities to retire technical risk." Our Joint Conference leverages that DoD vision and the recent significant increases in prototyping and experimentation efforts to explore the role of T&E in "prototyping, experimentation and other developmental activities." This Conference will discuss the practical implications of T&E support to accelerate delivery of "game changing" technologies to the Warfighter.

Key plenary speakers, panel discussions, and technical sessions will be part of the program to identify challenges, solutions, innovations and a future state; all contributing to moving us closer to creation of an infrastructure and principles, conducive to testing and training in a more operationally realistic environment.

Come Join Us!

The Joint Conference on Test and Evaluation in Support of Prototyping and Experimentation is issuing this Call for Papers for Public Release, CUI, SECRET and SECRET/NOFORN papers and presentations on topics related to, but not limited to, the following:

  • HEL Sensors and Sources
  • HPM Sensors and Sources
  • Atmospheric Characterization and Effects
  • DoD and Service Experimentation and Prototyping Campaigns and Test Results
  • Measurement and Calibration (METCAL)
  • Designing Experimentation with Modeling and Simulation
  • Instrumentation and Target Requirements for Game Changing Technologies
  • Targets and Instrumentation for HEL and HPM Testing and Experimentation
  • Testing Considerations for the Integration of AI/ML into Prototype Systems
  • Role of T&E in Experimentation Across the Kill Chain
  • T&E Capabilities for Directed Energy Systems
  • Impacts of OPSEC on Testing and Experimentation
  • Bio-effects
  • Manufacturing, Metrology and Testing for Prototype to Fielded Systems

Note that all persons wishing to present at the DE T&E Joint Conference will be required to submit an abstract. (See Submission Instructions section below.) Important dates for presenters are listed in the table below.

Please note the likelihood of UK participation at this event.

Consistent with prior conferences, we anticipate participation from our UK partners in the DE community at this event. In accordance with the Information Exchange Agreements between the United States and the United Kingdom governments (MIEM UK-AF-16-0001 (RF DEW IEA) and/or MIEM UK-US-19-0001 [Laser Weapon Systems IEA]), employees from the United Kingdom government and their affiliated contractors are welcome to participate in those CUI and classified sessions that have been given approval by the presenter's local Foreign Disclosure Officers (FDOs).

We ask that all U.S. presenters whose CUI/Classified materials fall under these agreements submit their presentations to their FDOs or security officers in a timely manner and seek approval to release to the UK, and to let DEPS staff know when/if their presentation has been approved before the event. Further instructions will be posted here soon.

Submission Instructions

Important Dates for Presenters

  1 November 2024
Abstracts due

  15 November 2024
Authors notified of acceptance

  6 December 2024
Preliminary agenda published

  17 January 2025
*ALL presentations due with release forms*

  3 - 6 Feb 2025
DE Test & Evaluation Joint Conference

General information on the submission of abstracts, presentations, papers and release forms is provided here. Specific information on sending presentations and papers will be provided below soon. Presentations and papers will be considered for acceptance at an open, public release level, CUI Distribution C/D, as well as Classified Secret.

Note that it is the responsibility of the lead author to obtain all approvals and releases for submitted abstracts, presentations, and papers. All submitted materials including unclassified presentations must be appropriately marked for any distribution restrictions.


All persons wishing to present at the 2025 DE T&E Joint Conference must submit an abstract for consideration. Abstracts must be unclassified and will be due on or before 1 November 2024.

DEPS utilizes an online abstract submission system so that we may better track abstracts and plan a successful program. Only unclassified, public release material may be entered online.

  • Unclassified, Public Release abstracts should be submitted in their entirety online. Authors nearing the submission deadline who do not yet have release approval should submit a place-holder abstract prior to the deadline and then add the abstract body once release approval is obtained.

  • Authors with CUI or Classified abstracts should submit a place-holder abstract (including title, expected classification/distribution of the presentation, and contact info) so that an Abstract ID can be assigned, and then make arrangements with the symposium chair for providing their restricted material.

During the online submission process, authors may choose whether or not to display their abstract title on the DEPS website. Access to the full abstract content is limited to those abstracts for which the author has submitted a simple, online abstract release form which will be available from their MyAccount page after the abstract is submitted.

>>> Submit your Abstract Here <<<

Authors will be notified on or before 15 November of acceptance of their paper for presentation and/or publication.

Authors may choose whether to release either the title or the abstract online. Those who do not yet have public release approval are encouraged to submit the abstract before the deadline and select the appropriate options on the submission form to keep the details off the Website listing. Authors may also make arrangements to submit classified or limited distribution material. To do so, authors should submit a place-holder title and abstract through the online submission form and follow the instructions there that are suitable for their material.

Please contact with any technical issues regarding abstract submission. Subject matter questions regarding abstracts should be directed to a member of the conference technical committee.

Note: While an automated email is sent confirming receipt of your abstract, some military domains may block delivery of such an email. If you do not receive email confirmation, you may check this online listing of submitted abstracts. This listing is dynamically generated based on abstracts received at the time the page is displayed and author permission (granted when submitted.) If the abstract ID assigned to your abstract is contained in this listing, it has been received by DEPS.

Presentations and Papers

Instructions for submitting papers and presentations will be posted here soon. Please check back.

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Last updated: 23 September 2024